Individual Therapy


If you are finding a situation or an issue distressing, it may well be the time to seek some therapy. It’s important that you find a therapist you feel comfortable with and you feel confident you will be able to work well with them.

What to expect at the first session

During the first session we will be getting to know each other. You will be able to ask me questions about what type of therapy I offer and the way I work. I will ask you some general questions about your background and situation. This helps me understand in more detail about what might be going on for you.

Initially, you can contact me by email and if you feel comfortable tell me a little bit about what is going on for you (just a few lines) and then we can see if we can find a suitable time of the week to make an appointment. We normally meet on the same day each week at the same time but we can be flexible. The session lasts for 60 minutes and cost £60. Everything you tell me is confidential unless I was worried that you or someone else was at risk.

Payment is either by cash at the appointment or by bank transfer before meeting. As long as you give me 24 hours notice you will not be charged for any cancellations.

 If you would like to ask me anymore information please get in touch.